Things you need to know about ICSI treatment!

ICSI treatment

ICSI is an acronym for intracellular sperm injection. This treatment is used against infertility in male. It is a process which can be part of IVF. ICSI treatment in Delhi is known for its success rate. This treatment involves insertion of a sperm cell in the egg and then is fertilized within. This process is incurred due to males low sperm count. There are various reasons a sperm does not meet the egg. It can be the speed, shape or lack of sperms which can result in low count. It can also occur due to vasectomy (which prevents sperm release) or even due to spinal cord injuries or diabetes. A lot of such reasons can make a man infertile towards a successful sperm injection. ICSI makes sure the sperm gets in and increases the chance of fertilization. Hence, choose the best IVF center in Delhi.

Things you need to know about ICSI treatment

It is very important for male to know why he is getting an ICSI treatment done. What has caused the problem? He should know the advantages and the disadvantages involved in this delicate treatment. The process at a ICSI center would start with the collection of the sperm through a sharp needle, then releasing it in the center of an active and fertile egg. Once the egg and the sperms meet the experts wait for the next morning to see if the egg has fertilized. If not then sometimes during IUI treatment they take the help of fertility drugs to increase the chances of conceiving. After IVF treatment ICSI is the most successful treatment for infertility. The fertility specialist with the help of few checkups at the center would be able to tell you the chance of success with ICSI treatment.

Benefits of ICSI treatment

ICSI has a major benefit of having a baby with your genetics. Also most of cases have a high rate of healthy babies. These two reasons are one of the dominant points to think upon. ICSI treatment has helped a lot of couples whose infertility was never explained by experts.

Difference between IVF and ICSI

A lot of parents get confused with these two terms. They both are quite similar till they reach the lab stage. In lay man’s language the only difference is that in IVF center the egg and the sperm are left in a pan to fertilize whereas in ICSI treatment it provides the weak sperm with a boost of energy to enter the female’s egg.

Best IVF Centre for the fertility treatment

IVF center is a utopia for a lot of families today. For intended parent such centers are like a miracle but the struggle in this cluttered life is to find the right one which would meet your needs. One of the right options taken by a lot of families in India is IVF center in Delhi. It’s an end to a lot of anguish, fear, vexation, and torment for couples.

fertility treatment

As the ancestors said the best way to know is by asking. Word of mouth has proven to be the safest solution to such a fix. Meet people who have been through this procedure, talk to them about risk involved, about the cost, the nature of the technique. This would help you relax down and give you confidence over the same. There are a lot of options other than IVF, like egg donor, ICSI treatment, IUI treatment, infertility treatment etc. It is your condition/phase which would help you decide which procedure is best for you.

There are solo practitioners, a team of physicians or full-fledged service clinics which operate IVF treatments. All have their own pros and cons. The only one to judge would be the intended couple. Aspects which you need to see before making this important decision are knowledge of the experts, success rates, quality of the treatment and cost. There are a lot of articles, magazines, professionals or even hospitals who may guide you to reach the right IVF center. Lists of best IVF center in Delhi are easily available on internet and hospitals.

Our country has one of the best experts for infertility treatment. They help the couples to understand the procedure and techniques not only that they also navigate smoothly through the whole treatment. The clinics place enormous emphasis on ethical practices and ensure that all protocols are diligently & unfailingly followed. The availability of IVF center in South Delhi has helped people to become more aware towards this taboo thought. When people know that this is a legal, generous gesture and a medically acclaimed procedure they are supportive and are encouraging with the futile parents they know.

The aim for most of the centers is to create an affordable and creditable infertility unit for common people. They are equipped with state of art infrastructure and equipment’s and doctors who have given a huge part of their lives for understanding this rising medical technique.

Why you should know about egg donation process?

Egg donation has become popular across the globe within a short period because of the internet and online media. Patients can gather information about egg donation process from the best cryopreservation clinic in Delhi before going ahead of the process. Do visit Medex art services as it offers the best IVF treatment.


When to take the help of an egg donor?

Individuals who are finding it difficult to conceive through IVF procedures can consider egg donation process.

Reasons you should know about egg donation process:

People who donate their egg without complete information about the advantages and risk factors associated with the egg donation process will face many problems later in the future.

Who can donate their egg?

Individuals who are physically fit and do not have mental health issues are suitable to donate their egg.

How to prepare for egg donation process?

  1. In general, donors need to consume a series of injection medications for nearly 2 to 3 weeks.
  2. There are various factors which doctor will consider before going for egg donation process.
  3. Donors have to consult the doctor who have years of experience in this area and provide their medical documents to the specialist.
  4. Doctor will evaluate the medical documents and will find out whether the donor is suitable to donate the egg or not.
  5. Tell what you are expecting from the egg donation process to your doctor as it makes your specialist to suggest you the right option and makes it easy for you to take a final decision.

What are the side effects of egg donation process?                                                                                           

  1. Reports say that, some patients will experience problems during egg donation process.
  2. Individuals who experience infection and discomfort feeling issues during egg donation process have to seek the help of a doctor to reduce the pain.

Is egg donation process a painful procedure?

  1. In general, the procedure is not a painful process it depends upon the hospital where you have gone for this process.

How to find the best Cryopreservation Clinic in Delhi?

  1. Patients who have determined do donate eggs have to look for such type of cryopreservation centre which has worked with more than 100+ patients in the natural process of storing of embryos.
  2. Choose such type of centre which has successfully freezed and stored gametes, zygotes, embryos, or gonadal tissue.
  3. Find such type of centre which is well equipped with rooms which helps to preserve eggs.
  4. If you think the centre is charging your more and not responding to your queries during your first consultation, then it is better to switch to the centre which is well-built with all these services.
  5. Each patient is different and egg donation treatment programs vary from the patient to patient.
  6. The best cryopreservation centre in Delhi will check the age limit of the donor and will confirm whether the candidate is suitable for the egg donation process or not.

Where can you find an egg donor?

Individuals who got frustrated searching for an egg donor in Delhi can call to the cryopreservation centre and get the contact details of the donors who are interested to donate their egg as it helps to find the donor who suits to your requirements.

Things You Should Know About Male Infertility: Causes and Treatment

Infertility has become a rising problem among many people. Approximately, one of the five couples is looking for infertility treatment. Well, this is not necessary that only women can have infertility problem. Men also can face infertility. It is a disorder that can make a man burdened and stressed. There is nothing to hide as well. Rather find out the cause and look forward for the best available treatment.

Male infertility factor contribute to approximately 30-40% of all infertility cases. When infertility occurs, you should immediately determine the cause and best treatments available. If you are staying in Delhi or nearby, and looking for infertility treatment, then you can visit Medex ART Services, which offers the best male Infertility Treatment in Delhi.

There may be different reasons for male infertility problem. Let’s discuss some common causes of infertility in men.

Causes of Infertility in Men:

Male infertility can be due to various causes. It can be due to hormonal imbalance, physical problem, genetic problem or illness etc. Fertility reflects overall health of men, as well as women. The following list shows the causes of infertility in men:

  • Smoking too much can also lead to infertility, by decreasing sperm count in men.
  • Use of anabolic steroids causes testicles shrinkage.
  • Too much alcohol consumption.
  • Excessive stress.
  • Various physical problems like damaged sperm duct, torsion, variocoele etc.
  • Testosterone deficiency.
  • Use of illegal drugs. 

Treatments of Infertility:

Once the cause of infertility is established, you can now further undergo a treatment to overcome your problem. Male infertility can be solved with specific types of treatments which are listed below:

  • Electro ejaculation: In this treatment, an electric current stimulates the nerve so that ejaculation can take place.
  • Drug therapy for improving sperm production.
  • Taking hormones to improve hormone imbalance.
  • Wearing loose underwear, because tight underwear can put too much pressure on testicles.
  • Avoiding too much alcohol and smoking consumption.
  • Avoid taking illegal drugs.
  • Avoid exposure to toxic substances.

Sometimes treatments for male infertility cannot be treated, and In some cases, It might even fail. And in some cases, male infertility is caused by genetic problem, which can’t be treated. However, these are the actions and treatments available to decrease the possibility of infertility. Well, you must consult a doctor to know the cause for your problem. Medex ART Services, IVF Centre in Delhi, provides best Male Infertility Treatment in Delhi. You can visit for consultation.

IVF Treatment in Delhi- A Hope for Women


Having a child is biggest feeling for a couple but unfortunately every couple is not lucky to complete their family by natural way. But IVF has made it easy, IVF is biggest hope for couples to complete their family. Medex ART Services offers best infertility treatment in Delhi through most advance techniques.

IVF or In Vitro Fertilisation is one of the most common and successful technique in Assisted Reproductive Technology. It includes the use of sophisticated technology to fertilise the egg with the male gametes in a controlled laboratory environment. The whole process is monitored closely and only the sperms and eggs with high reproductive potential are allowed.  Once the fusion is complete, the fertilised egg is implanted in the uterus of the women.

IVF is the best treatment available for people who have tried different types of infertility therapies and have had failed attempts before. The treatment can help couples utilise eggs from a suitable egg donor who produce healthy eggs capable of being fertilized by the male sperm. IVF at Medex ART Services has a high success rate as the team of experts help you choose the best donors depending on your requirement. A meticulously controlled laboratory environment is strictly maintained as per medical norms so that sperms can fuse with the eggs and fertilize them.

After a spacing of 2 to 6 days, the fertilised that have grown into embryos by now are implanted inside the uterus of the woman. In case of Surrogacy, the resulting child born after implantation of embryos inside the surrogate mother is genetically unrelated to the surrogate mother. In India, gestational surrogacy is legal and with our services, your experience can be totally comfortable. India is a popular destination for IVF Services and costs only a fraction of what it costs in other countries.